
Summer Employment

Grow Your Leadership Skills – Live in Faithful Community – Have Fun At Your Job!

At Cross Trails Ministry, we value the growth of our staff members just as much as our campers. As a staff member, you will get the type of leadership experience that isn’t taught in books or classrooms. You will experience the kind of growth that only comes with BEING the leader of a group of kids, your peers, or even the whole camp. You also gain an instant community of like-minded people. Your fellow staff members are figuring out their faith and lives, too, and spending a summer with the same group of people forms relationships like no other. At camp, you get to live out your faith and figure out what that really means— teaching about Bible stories and God’s love, serving others with physical labor, and supporting your friends when things get tough. Plus, you get to do all that while swimming, riding horses, shooting archery, wearing goofy costumes, and hanging out with campers!

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  • Summer Pay & Benefits

    Everyone at camp is paid a weekly salary, plus half salary for staff training. You can also earn bonuses for recruiting your friends to work at camp! Returning staff are also eligible for bonuses.
    Counselors and support staff who have graduated from high school or are at least 18 start at $300 per week.
    Camphands, who have completed their junior year of high school, start at $200 per week.

    Room & Board
    Camp provides you with a place to stay and meals for the summer. Camp also provides a laundry room for all staff.

    Training & Certifications
    Many of our staff are certified in first aid and CPR for free! You can also choose to be certified as a lifeguard or trained in skills like archery and high ropes.

    Leadership Experience
    Camp gives you the kind of leadership experience that’s not taught in books or classrooms – real, hands-on leadership that you can only learn by being responsible for a group of youth. The skills you learn at camp will serve you for the rest of your life at home, in school, and in your career.

    Live In Faithful Community
    Our staff tell us they value getting to be in a community of faith-minded peers. As part of our community, you can ask questions about your faith and grow your relationship with God. You will also make life-long friends with your fellow staff members!

    Valuable References
    Our full-time director team works directly with all of our staff, and we can provide excellent references for future jobs, college applications, and scholarships because we know our staff so well.

  • Summer Job Descriptions

    Each year we hire college-age summer staff to lead and facilitate the experiences of youth and families who will attend our summer camp programs. These range from cabin leaders to a wide range of support and specialty staff. We also hire RNs, nursing students, and some teachers or youth and family leaders to assist in off-site leadership. A limited number of rising seniors in high school will be hired to serve in support roles. All of our staff get the chance to work with their peers, lead in front of a group, and interact with campers.

    Assistant Program Director (APD)
    Lead and supervise different aspects of the program as assigned. Schedule, evaluate, and mentor staff. Position available at Camp Chrysalis, Ebert Ranch, or as a Day Camp/Offsite APD. 

    Camp Counselor 
    Primary group leader for a group of 6-10 campers. Camp counselors lead Bible study and a devotion each day as well as accompany their campers to all activities. Camp counselors can be based at Ebert Ranch or Day Camp, or can rotate through all sites. 

    Work in a support role and experience many positions. Camphands work in the kitchen, the camp store, in maintenance, with cabin leaders and more. Positions rotate to Ebert Ranch and Camp Chrysalis. Must be at least 16 years old and have completed 11th grade.

    LYLE Coordinator
    These are Camp Counselors who facilitate our Lutheran Youth Leadership Experience for high school students when we have that program on site.  LYLE Coordinators rotate through all sites. When there are no LYLE campers onsite, they serve as Camp Counselors.  

    Ropes Course Coordinator
    Program and facilitate the challenge courses on our sites. Work with staff and campers to learn outside of their comfort zones. Positions available at Ebert Ranch and Camp Chrysalis.

    Arts & Crafts Coordinator
    This position requires a creative person who can help campers with pre-planned art projects. This position will also be in charge of our specialized craft programs. Position available at Camp Chrysalis.  May be offered in combination with Camp Counselor.

    Media Coordinator
    Capture memories for campers, parents and staff as you join all aspects of the daily program. Position available at Camp Chrysalis. 

    Worship/Music Coordinator
    Work with staff and campers to plan daily worship services. Ability to play an instrument preferred. Position available at Camp Chrysalis.  May be offered in combination with Camp Counselor.

    Nature & Outdoor Recreation Coordinator
    Program, facilitate, and maintain a number of program areas including nature studies, hiking, outcamp, water activities, small animals, and more. Position available at Camp Chrysalis and Ebert Ranch.  May be offered in combination with Camp Counselor.

    Care for horses, facilitate camper horse instruction, and maintain horse program facilities. Position available at Ebert Ranch. 

    Nurse/Healthcare Coordinator
    Care for campers and staff, facilitate medication distribution and work with Directors for various healthcare needs. Position available at Camp Chrysalis. Partial summer possible.

    Prepare meals and maintain the kitchen. Position available at Camp Chrysalis or Ebert Ranch.

  • Summer Frequently Asked Questions

    How old do I have to be to work at camp?
    Candidates who have completed their junior year of high school and are at least 16 years old may apply to be camphands. Candidates who have completed high school or are at least 18 years old may apply to be counselors and support staff.

    What is the time commitment for working at camp?
    Staff training is mandatory for all staff, and will be held May 24th – June 7th, 2025. Camp counselors and camphands must commit to at least four weeks of programming between June 8th and August 3rd. Other staff must commit to at least seven weeks of programming. If you want to work at camp but have a conflict, contact Pastor Katie, Cross Trails Program Director, at the link below to talk about your options.

    I have to do an internship for school, so I can’t work at camp.
    We understand that college is a time when you are committed to lots of things, including working toward a future career! Summer staff at Cross Trails have completed internships for their theology programs, equestrian programs, psychology programs, education programs, and more! Cross Trails will work with you to ensure that your time at camp can be counted toward an appropriate internship or college credit. We want to do whatever we can to help you meet your educational and professional requirements. Reach out to your university to see if you could get college credit for your major, and contact Pastor Katie, Cross Trails Program Director, at the link below if you have any questions.

    When is staff training? What if I can’t make it to all of staff training?
    Staff training is mandatory for all staff, and will be held May 24th – June 7th, 2025. We understand that many high schools still have classes during this time. If you want to work at camp but have a conflict, contact Pastor Katie to talk about your options.

    Do you have to be Lutheran to work at Cross Trails?
    No! Our campers and staff come from all denominations and backgrounds. While you may be upfront and honest about your personal affiliation, we do expect that you will teach our Bible study and other theology-based aspects of the camp from a Lutheran perspective. ​Training will be provided on Lutheran theology.

    Do you have to go to church regularly to work at Cross Trails?
    Camp is a great place to explore your faith. We do ask that our staff have a strong personal faith so that they have a good basis to teach others about God. Although regular church attendance is not a requirement for employment, we encourage and help our staff to find a church home so they can be supported in their faith by Christian community during the year.

    Do you have to have camp experience to work at camp?
    No! Many of our staff have never been to our camp or any other before. We provide lots of training so that you will know exactly what you’re doing by the time that campers arrive!

    How much will I get paid?
    Everyone at camp is paid a weekly salary, plus half salary for staff training. You can also earn bonuses for recruiting your friends to work at camp! Counselors and support staff who have graduated from high school or are at least 18 start at $300 per week. Camphands, who have completed their junior year of high school, start at $200 per week. Returning staff are eligible for a bonus.

    What other benefits will I get?
    Room & board, leadership experience, training & certifications, reliable references for the future, live in faithful community, and more – check out our Pay & Benefits section for more information!

    How much time off will I get? 
    Staff typically work from Sunday morning to Friday evening. Staff get all day Saturday off unless they are assigned to a special program.

    Can I get time off during the summer for family vacations, graduations, weddings, etc.?
    Yes! We understand that summer is a busy time for college students. You can indicate your availability during the application process. Staff training is mandatory for all staff, and will be held May 24th – June 7th, 2025. Camp counselors and camphands must commit to at least four weeks of programming between June 8th and August 3rd. Other staff must commit to at least seven weeks of programming. Staff have most Saturdays off after staff training. If you want to work at camp but have a conflict, contact Pastor Katie, Cross Trails Program Director, at the link below to talk about your options.

    Is there laundry at camp?
    Yes! We provide laundry machines and dryers at each site. Please plan to bring your own laundry soap!

    Do I have to bring a car to camp?
    Nope! We will provide transportation to different sites if needed, so all you have to do is show up at staff training. Many staff do bring cars, so there is always someone who can give you a ride to town if you need it!

    What happens if I get hurt at camp?
    Both of our sites are under 45 minutes away from local hospitals and an urgent care facility. If you are hurt in the course of your job at camp, you will be covered by our worker’s comp program. If you get sick at camp, you and/or your personal medical insurance will be responsible for your medical care.

    Contact us for questions by emailing Pastor Katie Wegner, Cross Trails Program Director at katie@crosstrails.org.

  • Volunteering During the Summer

    Camp takes lots of people to run!

    If you are available for at least a week during the summer, you can apply to be a Program Support Volunteer. We think of these volunteers like camp grandparents, or camp aunts & uncles! These volunteers will live in an adult cabin and help out with program areas like ropes, waterfront, photography, or even help in the kitchen. Volunteers must fill out an application, collect references, complete an interview, go through a background check, and participate in some simple training.

    For more information, check out the job description here or apply now (under summer 2025, “Program Support Volunteer”).

Year Round Professional Employment

Cross Trails Ministry Operations Director – This position is a great opportunity for someone who enjoys workplace variety and wants to work in a Christian community.  This leadership position oversees the maintenance and hospitality staff and services of Camp Chrysalis and Ebert Ranch Camp.  This is half time hands-on building and grounds maintenance, and half time administration.  Click here for a position description.

Year Round Hourly

Housekeeper – Cross Trails Ministry is seeking a part-time housekeeper for Camp Chrysalis.  Plan your own flexible schedule of 16-24 hours/week Sunday afternoon to Thursday evening.

Click Here to Apply!

Volunteer Leadership Positions

Volunteer task forces and committees, made up of a cross-section of our supporters, also help to provide resources and ideas that keep our ministry alive and growing. Contact Deanna@crosstrails.org if you are interested in serving.