It is our priority to take care of the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of both the individual and the group. In order to do this we have established some basic guidelines and expectations for campers.
Some camper expectations are:
- Explore your faith and have fun.
- Try new things and learn new skills.
- Be an active part of the Christian camp community.
Some camper guidelines are:
- Respect the rights and dignity of all individuals.
- Respect others by using only appropriate language, clothing, actions and physical contact.
- Respect your cabin mates privacy, personal space and possessions.
- Respect and care for the camp facilities and natural environment.
- Respect your safety by staying within camp boundaries, using the buddy system, and telling a staff member if, at any time, you feel unsafe.
- Respect the rules shared with all campers on the first day of camp and those given at specific activity areas during the camp week.
Camper Consequences
Our staff practice positive behavior management and work with their campers to build communication and cooperation within the group. If a camper breaks a rule or fails to follow the camper guidelines, our staff work with the camper to define what the appropriate behavior would have been and to determine the appropriate consequences for their actions.
If a camper continues to break rules, or becomes disruptive to the camp program, the camper will meet with the Director to develop a written agreement on appropriate behavior called a “behavior contract”. Parents will be contacted if their child is placed on a “behavior contract”. If the “behavior contract” is broken, campers will be removed from participation and parents will be required to come pick up their camper.
We reserve the right to dismiss campers from any program if their behavior is disruptive or destructive to other individuals, the camp community or camp property. Campers may be sent home at any time, even for a first offense or without a “behavior contract”, if the Director and Executive Director determine that the camper poses an emotional or physical threat to themselves, other campers or staff. This includes bullying as defined by repeated offenses that interfere with other campers’ experiences.
If your camper is attending with a pastor or youth director, this adult will be involved in the behavior management strategy.