Food Service
Cross Trails Ministry has food service available to meet a variety of dietary needs and tastes. These include three meals and a snack or s’mores for each full day on site. Retreat groups are served a wonderful brunch on their departure day. Additional meals can be arranged depending on your arrival time.
Cross Trails meals can be served in the Mainsite Breezeway or with arrangements in the Peace Zion Chapel.
Retreat groups using Lela Haus can choose to cook their own meals.
Wifi & Projection
There is wifi available in the Peace Zion Chapel as well as Lela Haus and the Mainsite area. We are on a rural provider, so we cannot guarantee wifi for large groups connecting all at the same time. Built in projection and sound is available in the chapel. Portable projection can be set up in Lela or the Mainsite Breezeway.